Shades of 2006: Catching up with Ollie Perez

Looking for somethingI honestly didn’t think I’d ever see Oliver Perez pitch again. But last Saturday night in Harrisburg, I found myself watching him warm up about 30 yards from Bryce Harper, ships passing in the night.

Besides the red jersey, Ollie looked just as I remembered him. It was like when you run into a long-lost friend you haven’t seen for a while; there’s that moment where you instinctively take inventory to see what, if anything, has changed.

I noticed that every sixth or seventh warmup toss would glance off his glove. Ollie would run after it, pick it up from wherever it landed, and start playing catch again from wherever he ended up. I was told later this is something he does by design to get some running in at the same time he does his long-toss. I’m not sure if that’s legitimate, but Ollie has always had his quirks.

Though to me, it pretty much just looked like a guy chasing after a baseball.

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Wisest of moves results in incredible catch, perfect game

Until recently, I thought Endy Chavez’s catch in the 2006 NLCS was the most amazing clutch play I’d seen as a baseball fan, and it may still be, given the circumstances and what was on the line. buehrle

But Dewayne Wise’s catch with nobody out in the ninth inning to preserve Mark Buehrle’s perfect game was up there. What made it more incredible was his juggling act on the way down from the wall. To go to such lengths to preserve a no-hitter is incredible, and almost took the attention away from Buehrle’s feat. ( currently leads with Wise instead of Buehrle)

The most amazing thing of all is that Wise was put in before the inning began as a defensive replacement. The first thing the guy does is preserve Buehrle’s perfecto.

What a managerial move. What a catch. He leaves something to be desired as a hitter, but Dewayne Wise can play for my team any time.