Forget Revis Island — Paying a visit to Revis Diner

 My dad pushing a Rav4. Kanye would not approve

Honestly, not much about the summer-long Darrelle Revis saga that ended late Sunday was fascinating to me. It seemed like your basic contract dispute that we’ve seen a million times.

You had a terrific player in Revis who wouldn’t play for $21 million guaranteed over three years, and apparently held out seven months to get $32 million guaranteed over four. You had the Jets attempting to hold on to as much hard-earned PSL money as they could.

Two heartwarming storylines if I ever heard any.

But I’ll tell you what I did find intriguing: The Roscoe Diner’s involvement in the proceedings.

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The Afternoon After: Rex in effect – Jets proving smashmouth still works

Thomas Jones wins it for the Jets in a no-brainer call by Rex If there’s one thing Sunday’s games reminded me, it’s that I’m not a gambler. (Remember: I offer a disclaimer every week with this where I don’t actually claim to know anything about the game itself, I just like writing about it)

I missed – badly – on every single one of the games I picked, not just against the spread, but the results straight-up. I got caught up too much in the premise of the “hot team,” and forgot that some teams were just flat-out better, and those teams were playing at home.

The one road team to win was the Jets, in what was an upset to everyone but their coach. I have no love lost for the Jets personally as a Dolphins fan, but I respect the style they’re winning with in that they’re spitting in the face of the current football convention.

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Finding value in the Swamp: Thoughts from Nets-Thunder

Battle of Titans: Hassell and Battie hassle Collison. Brook Lopez looks on in horror

When I got a call from a friend asking if I wanted to get in on tickets for the Nets’ game last night against the Thunder, I jumped at the opportunity, despite New Jersey’s 2-28 record (now 2-29), and it was totally worth it. (Note: Some official SA photos are on the way)

Here are some reasons:

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